Monday, May 19, 2014

A Lovely Long Weekend

Get comfortable, you're in for a long one. Lucky for you, there are pictures!

During the program we have scheduled in two little "long weekends" basically all that means is that we don't have a show or class on the Monday, so instead of two days we get three. There are still little optional things to do, but mostly everyone uses the time to go to other countries.
Saturday was a pretty normal day off. We went to the British Library, where I did homework and Amanda went to the current exhibit. The awesome thing about the British Library that I didn't know, is their "Treasures" room. It's loads of original papers with everything from Beatles song lyrics written down by the band when they wrote the songs, to the Magna Carta. They even had the oldest printed document in English history! They're pretty strict about not taking any pictures, even though it was free to get in. So, no pictures of that.
Next, we walked over to The British Museum, which featured ancient civilizations. We looked a lot at the Greek and Egyptian stuff, but left after that because it was so darn busy. Not to mention, the mummy exhibit was next to the food court which created a nauseating effect. The entry way is stunning though, here it is from the 3rd floor.

The picture really doesn't do it justice.
After that we went to Kensington gardens to check out the Peter Pan statue and try to find the carousel, which they either took out permanently or is a seasonal installment currently unavailable. After that, we took the long way home, walking around the Kensington area.

That night we relaxed at the flat, trying to rest our calloused and blistered feet for another day (and probably week) of walking. Maybe someday I'll calculate or write about how much we have walked. (probs not, that sounds boring)
Sunday. Sunday was the most perfect day. In weather and everything else, Sunday was perfect. We got up pretty early to get to the bus station. Neither one of us had ever taken a commercial bus to travel before, so we planned ahead to make sure we got there good and early. The Circle and District lines were down (I think those lines hate me), so we took Picadilly and transferred to Victoria. It all went great and we were half and hour early! The bus itself was awesome as well. The seat was nicer than my airplane seat by leaps and bounds. We left at 10:30 and had our return tickets for 8:00 pm. Not a lot of time to see Cardiff. Not much at all. But I had made the mistake of waiting just a little too long to buy the tickets and they were the most affordable ones, so we would make do. The bus ride from London to Cardiff is three and a half hours. That sounds bad I suppose, but it isn't at all.

When I bought the tickets, I wondered if it was going to be worth it. Could we see anything in 6 hours? Would 6 hours be worth the 7 hour bus ride? It made me think of this quote from a great Disney movie...

"One day ashore. Ten years at sea. That's a steep price for what's been done."
"Depends on the one day.

And that day? Was perfect. Those six hours were some of the greatest six hours of my life. Cardiff Bay is truly one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to and such a welcome change from the busy city life we've been living the past two weeks.
The walk from the bus station to Cardiff bay was thirty minutes, but signs pointed the way on every corner and we could see the Millennium Centre from half a mile away.

(As I was taking some of these photos, I thought about how they look like I just got them off the internet. They're mine! It was just a perfect day, ya know?)
Now, the reason we were headed to Cardiff Bay was for The Doctor Who Experience, but the whole thing was so stunning, I took more pictures of the bay than the Doctor Who building.

(This is just the Roald Dahl Plaza)

The first thing we did was The DWE because we had pre-purchased our tickets for 2:00, which was ten minutes away, and because we knew it would take the most time.

Honestly, I don't know how to talk about The DWE. The Experience part was no photography of any sort and trying to explain it would sound boring and strange for you guys. I'll just say that if Disney bought out BBC, it would feel like The DWE. And for any whovians, (know that it's a walk through), there is a room full of Angels. And the lights flash. It was freakin creepy. Mostly because I was the last one in the line and Weeping Angels freak me out. So I walked backwards. 
After the Experience is the Exhibit. It's a giant collection of (mostly) original props and costumes. They had the original TARDIS consoles for Doctor numbers 5-7 and 9-10 (despite blowing it up pretty good at the end of David Tennant's last episode) and a reconstruction of the First console used in An Adventure in Space and Time. Also included was the actual Phone Box used as the TARDIS exterior with Doctors 4-7. 

(9&10's console)

There were original Sonic Screwdrivers and TARDIS keys galore. Then there were tons of Costumes worn by Doctors and Companions alike. Rose, Donna, Martha, Captain Jack, Clara, Amy, and Rory to name some. Then, the line up. Doctors 1-10, with 11 off on a different display with a somewhat creepy wax figure of Matt Smith.

(I'm really getting into panoramic pictures)

And that my friends, was only the downstairs. 
Upstairs had monsters, aliens, a special corner for the 50th anniversary special including John Hurt's costume and TARDIS as well as the Big Red Button, a corner for the Christmas Special (Matt Smith's last show) including some of the synthetic material used to make him look old and Handles, a video that teaches you how to walk like a Cyberman (sure it was for kids, but that didn't stop me), two exhibits based on the evolution of the Cybermen and the Daleks, and exhibits on the theme song creation and set models.

And you want to know part of what made it so great? There was next to no one there. We chose a really good day and time. We got to take pictures of everything and look at things longer because no one was hurrying us.
The whole thing was so awesome. I felt like a kid running around to see stuff and then getting distracted by something across the room. The Experience was fun and the Exhibit was impressive. I can't say how glad I am we got to go.

Then is was back to Cardiff Bay. We knew we wanted to eat some sea food, most likely Fish and Chips if there was a good place we could find in Mermaid Quay. And there totally was. We just happened to find Top Gun as we were walking along, we had no idea it's a pretty famous and award winning shop, probably because it looks so normal. We got it to go and sat out on the Pier to eat. I won't go on and on... yet (I'm saving that for a post near the end about the best food I ate) but it was so freakin good.
After that we basically walked about Mermaid Quay and the whole Cardiff Bay area. We went in the Millennium Centre, checked out the Carousel and a sweet fountain, and just enjoyed the perfect weather.

 We finished by buying Ice Cream from this shop that we didn't know anything about, but had a long line. We just assumed it must be pretty good if everyone's waiting. And it totally was. I got this Chocolate with Raspberry stuff in it, I don't even know how to describe it but really tasty. 
It was such a perfect day, we really really didn't want to go back. But obviously, that wasn't a choice, so we walked back to the station and took the bus home.
But the fun wasn't over yet, because the long weekend wasn't over! (and really, all we do is have fun and learn over here)
Today we spent a good part of the day over by St. Pauls Cathedral.
 You know, like in the Marry Poppins song?
"Early each day on the steps of St. Paul's..."
We started by going to see The Monument. This 160 foot tower built from 1671 to 1677 had to be climbed, so luckily there was a very reasonable Student price and we climbed all 311 steps to the top platform! (take THAT London Eye!)

It's funny how much of London I can identify now. If I had gone up there the first day I would have been like... "Well, there's Tower Bridge and the Shard... this is boring." But with my knowledge, I could find the big buildings far away and tell you about the buildings next to them that you couldn't see too. It was beautiful up there, also a bit windy. Luckily it was sturdy and didn't shake like the Millennium Bridge or the Treetop Walk at Kew Gardens.
Then we walked over to see St. Paul's Cathedral. We're going to go inside another time (for free) so we just walked around it today. It's gorgeous outside, I can't wait to see the inside.

(Bonus knowledge, Christopher Wren designed The Monument and St. Paul's.)
With just a little more time until our reservation for Afternoon Tea, we walked around the shopping mall next to St. Paul's. Intrigued by the name, we went in this shop called "Hotel Chocolat". It looked fancy and pricey so we just stood in the doorway for a second until this lady offered us a sample of chocolate. Obviously we said yes cuz, free chocolate, but I never expected how good it would be.
That chocolate was so good, I considered buy the whole freaking store.
We probably would have, if we didn't have a reservation. We'll be back though... I'm sure of it.
Our Afternoon Tea reservation was at a place I found on the internet called Bea's of Bloomsbury. Guys, I can't believe how perfect it was and how much it reminded me of ME. If I was a shop, I would be Bea's. It's my spirit animal.
Okay, I'm being dramatic. But just look at the cuteness!

The whole place is the exactly right mix of vintage and modern. The lights were tea pots and cups. The sugar cubes were in a mason jar. There was a carnation on our table. They specialize in cupcakes. The chairs were reupholstered vintage chairs. I mean, EVERYTHING was adorable. Not to mention delicious. Afternoon tea is pretty pricey, you have to hope you're getting equal to what you payed for it. I'm thrilled with our choice.

After that we had to do grocery shopping. Now we're caring for our feet again. Like I said, there's a lot of walking involved.
If you made it to the end, you deserve a reward!
We got a reward for climbing the 311 stairs (it's a certificate). 
You get my gratitude!


JK you get this awesome picture of Justin Bieber and Sacha Baron Cohen

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