Wednesday, May 14, 2014

When it Rains...

You know what they say. When it rains, it mists, then it stops to be cloudy, then it rains like there's no tomorrow, then it is unbelievable sunny and warm, then the clouds roll in, then it pours. The rule has come to be, if you take your umbrella, it won't rain. If you forget it? You're getting wet.
After a long stretch of sun when we got here, the only rain we had was forgettable, more like a mist actually. These past few days, however, starting from Saturday have been so impossible to forecast. We go from one extreme to the next faster than snow to sun in a Utah spring.
Yesterday felt like a good day to pack a lunch and go have a picnic in Regents Park, since that weekend had been so rainy. But sure enough, as our second class came to an end, the view from our third story window was anything but promising and we knew we would have to make a new plan as it started to pour.
So, Amanda and I went down to the basement (the only place in our classroom building we are allowed to have food) and ate our lunch so we could go inside the Natural History Museum down the street. We wanted to go eventually anyway, so were making good use of a rainy day. Until we walked outside and it was brighter and warmer than it had been in five days despite the forecast saying rain until 19:00 at least.

We went to the museum anyway, not trusting the weather to stay nice for us and since we'd already eaten our picnic. The Museum was INCREDIBLE. The building alone is worth seeing, not to mention all the cool exhibits inside. 

We go to go in a mock chinese grocery store and "feel what it feels like in a earthquake", we got to walk through their beautiful gardens in the back complete with bee hives, we even got to play memory and perception games and see a life-sized plastic whale that took up the whole room hanging from the ceiling. One of our favorite parts was this room that looked like the solar system where you take an escalator up through a metal sun.

 The one thing I had to smile at was their Dinosaur exhibit. The one in Utah's Natural History museum is better. There are more fossils and bones in Utah. That's saying a lot because this museum had an animatronic T-rex and raptors!

When we left, it was indeed still sunny and bright. Until we started walking home and the huge black clouds rolled in to rain on us as we walked to the tube station later that night.


Ps. That night we saw Mark Strong in A View From the Bridge 

(It's not Photoshoped, the lighting was just really bad.)

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