Wednesday, April 30, 2014

2 Days to Go: Run Forrest, Run!

That's right folks, 2 days until I leave for London and today is almost over! I feel so unprepared even though I know I'm as prepared as I can be at this point. Anyway, today's post came as near the end as I could put it so I could change my mind if I chickened out.

17/18: Fulham Palace Parkrun 5k

Ever since I was in High School, I thought it would be a good habit to get into running. I thought I would like it and be good at it. I've been pretty much wrong about that. I even bought some nice Nike shoes to encourage me to go running. That didn't work too well. I have pretty crappy endurance. So, last year I made a goal to run a 5k. I didn't give myself a date to finish it by, but to run an official 5k and work up to a half marathon in Disneyland. I don't know about half marathons, but I thought I could make 5ks my thing. I even bought an app to help motivate me. It's called Zombies, Run! and it combines your music playlist with a story and zombie sounds (to help you run faster obviously). I have used it a wimpy 3 times. I know, I know. (It's a great app though, and I recommend it!) So what in the world is possessing me to put this on my countdown if I'm not really good at running? Well, for one thing, it's free. All you have to do is register online and bring your paper with your barcode so you can get an official time!
It happens every Saturday at 9am in Bishop's Park with an average of 150 runners every weekend! (so, low stress) Some people are competitive and run it to break records. I will obviously not be doing that. I wanted to sign up for a Disney run this fall, but alas, I don't have the money. I have to spend it on London stuff. (I'm not mad about that ;)


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