Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3 Days to Go: What Have I Done...

Well, I messed it up this time folks. Remember that night when I was exhausted from work and decided to change my post to Trafalgar Square because I "forgot" to put it on the countdown? Well, I must have been delusional because that was what today's post was supposed to be about. Yes, that's right, I have nothing to write about today except places I've already written about.

16/18: What I missed in Trafalgar Square and Little Venice

One of the reasons I was going to write about Trafalgar Square wasn't necessarily just for the art museum. Another thing I meant to write about was Nelson's Column. A 170 foot tall monument to one eyes, one armed, Admiral Horatio Nelson who died defeating Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar. 

And did I mention there are four lion statues you can climb on...

I'm not going to lie though, I got that column mixed up with THIS column-

THIS column is THE Monument. THE monument to THE Great Fire of London in 1666. This column is 202 feet tall AND you can climb to the 311 steps to the top and look out over the city.

As far as Little Venice goes, I left out a HUGE thing! I love how stupid I was when I posted that picture and said that was all. (I don't love it, I love that I got a second chance to highlight the main reason I put it on my countdown!) 
Canalway Cavalcade. 

Every year Little Venice is home to festival called Canalway Cavalcade. And the dates? May 3rd-5th. Our first weekend, THIS WEEKEND. The festival has a pageant of boats, bands, trade stalls, competitions, dancers, food, everything a good festival has! AND it's my favorite word. FREE.
Aren't you glad I fixed my mistake? I sure am!


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